Welcome to another edition of “Monday Metrics”, our weekly feature that gets reports and feedback directly from the people who are utilizing “Bench Metrics” software in the rinks.
This week, our guest is Michael Berra, Director of Coaching with the St. Louis Blues AAA development teams.

Berra tells us, “Bench Metrics provides a platform that has helped our teams identify areas in which we need improvement both as individuals and as a team. Now we actively track where individuals are having success and areas in which they need improvement. For example, after each game I review where my defensemen have given up scoring chances, whether it happens on the rush or in defensive zone coverage.”
They have also been able to quantify data that in years past was trusted to hunches and guesswork. ”We are also able to track our team systems and identify where we are both generating scoring opportunities from and giving them up, which is critical because we use that information to work on certain areas of our game and also to plan our practices.”
The teaching moments that arise from specific data increase greatly and with meatier substance with the support of data. “Communication amongst players and coach is extremely important for a team’s success”, Berra states. “When you sit down with a player, whether good or bad, you want to make sure you are providing specific data that allows dialogue amongst players and coach to be precise. Bench Metrics builds these reports for us and allows us to show our players the exact areas they are performing well in and areas they made need some improvement. The kids absolutely love it.”
Check back next week for another edition of “Monday Metrics”.